Tuesday, January 6, 2009

my dreams...(23rd jan 2009)

last night when i go into my bed, i have a lot of new ideas crawling in my mind.
may be that's why i dream t of 3 distinct dreams as follow...
first start with a on going interview.i am in front of a person who is same age to me i think,he was interviewing me and embroil me into his disgusting question like null point n some C,C++ question. of course my interview is not going good and i m irritating to that person, but there are other things in my mind,like i m having key of home and nobody at that point at home,what happen when mom return from mousi's place,what happen when my brother came from bazaar,there is nobody to unlock the door and they have to wait for me until i reached there. by the way..interview finished and i got the job luckily(this can happened only in dream).when i came out of the office it began raining.i am thrilled as well as in euphoria.i went to a great tree and climbed on it.i don.t know which tree it is..may be banyan may be mango i don't remember. now then rain stops.in the mean time i broke a branch of tree.after that i resume my journey towards my home.in the way i met my mom n bro,they wait for me at home and now they came in search for me.my brother carry a bag n my mom carries a briefcase which is empty. they told me that we are going to our native,so i am with them on the way to our native village. in the journey to my village i dont know where i am going(in dreams it always happen u dont know where u r heading),many times i forgot the path.when it seems like my home is near but i m confused so i walk behind my mom so that this time i didn't mistaking my path.at this instant i woke up...
but there are still 2 to go at this night...

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